Monday, December 27, 2010

Hyaluronic Acid Supplements

Hyaluronic acid (HA) (a kind of viscous polysaccharide) is an integral part of all living beings. The human body also manufactures hyaluronic acid in ample amounts. Hyaluronic acid is chiefly found in the skin, synovial fluid of joints and the tissues of the eyes. It is also present in the heart valves. Synovial fluid behaves like a lubricating agent and prevents excessive rubbing of cartilage (elastic tissues attached at the end of two different bones that form a joint). However, synovial fluid won't be able to perform its function, if it is devoid of hyaluronic acid. It is observed that as the person's age increases, the body's ability to manufacture hyaluronic acid in normal amounts decreases. As a result, the person is bound to experience health disorders related to the joints and eyes. Taking hyaluronic acid supplements is a proven remedy to overcome HA deficiency symptoms.



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